Heat Stroke – Tips for Dementia Caregivers

It’s hot as only Missouri can get – humid and hot and sweltering!

It’s important to be aware of the heat, especially if you are caring for a loved one with dementia. While you can recognize that “it is hot” and “I need to drink water and cool down”, the person with dementia may have lost those cognitive abilities. “Thermoception” is the body’s sense of temperature and is one of the senses that is dulled or totally lost in dementia land.

Here’s a good article from Daily Caring about heat stroke.

The article has useful links, too, for you to explore for more information. Honestly, I chuckled at the advice about wearing light and/or little clothing…it seems to be one or the other in dementia patients – too much clothing or too little!

If your loved one doesn’t love to drink plain water, explore options including Gatorade-type drinks (prepared or mix from a powder. Propel has flavoring packets that include electrolytes. Mio (and generics) are a concentrated liquid to add to water. There is also a Pedialyte for adults, available in prepared or powdered form.

Stay hydrated! Set a timer for yourself and/or your LO so that you are checking for hydration.